You are in offline reading mode.

The only content currently available is that which you already saved to this device. Click here for access.

Preparing Offline Mode

Please wait while we prepare Offline Reading mode


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Help / Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Briefcase?

The Briefcase feature allows App content to be stored for future on-line/off-line reference. An article can be added to your on-line Briefcase by selecting the ‘Add to Briefcase’ option.

You can also save an article to your off-line Briefcase by then selecting the ‘Save to Device’ option for the article. The ‘Save to Device’ option will appear each time you select ‘Add to Briefcase’ for a particular article. An article will only be saved to the device in use when the ‘Save to Device’ option is selected. Therefore, if you wish an article to be available for off-line reading on a second device, the ‘Save to Device’ option will also need to be selected while using the other device. You will be taken directly to your Briefcase when the App is launched while off-line (but only articles previously saved to the device will be available).

Articles can be deleted from the Briefcase by selecting the ‘Remove’ option.

Some articles contain links to pdf documents which will not be available for offline viewing when you save articles for offline viewing – you must be online to read the pdf.

Access your briefcase here.

Where can I manage my email subscription settings?

KPMG will issue periodic updates to members on new content that has been added to the App. In all of these communications there will be a linked option for members to unsubscribe. Just follow the link and unsubscribe.

Who are KPMG?

KPMG is a professional services firm, working with clients in all sectors of Irish business, helping ambitious companies and individuals make the most of opportunities through our range of audit, tax and advisory services.

Accessing PDF Documents

Note for users of iPhones and iPads

When you click on a  link to a  pdf document mobile Safari will launch to allow you view the document in a separate window.

To return to the App, please do as indicated below:

1.Double-tap on your Home Button to go into multi-tasking mode.


2. Tap the overview screen
of your App as shown, but NOT the icon.



Offline/Airplane Mode

If you’re initially offline and regain internet access and wish to access content that has not been saved to your briefcase you will have to close the offline App and re-launch from your home screen.