15 December 2020
Webinar Playback: Lunch & Learn – Mandatory Disclosure Regime
In this session, on 10 December, we focused on an overview of DAC6 / MDR rules with particular attention paid to some of the key European developments and experience, common hallmarks that need to be considered, and systems and governance.
11 December 2020
Webinar Invite: Brexit Deal or No Deal Preparing for VAT Changes
Join us on Tuesday, 15 December for the next in our series of Brexit webinars. Deal or no deal the VAT rules on trade between ROI GB and NI will change from 1 January 2021 and will not be impacted by the ongoing Free Trade negotiations.
2 December 2020
Webinar Invite: Managing your mobile workforce – Brexit and beyond
In this webinar on 9 December, we will explain the key people issues facing employers as a consequence of the UK no longer being a member of the EU as well as the broader impact the pandemic has had on employment models, the talent agenda and corresponding employer compliance obligations.
30 November 2020
Webinar Invite: Lunch & Learn – Managing tax opportunities in challenging times
We invite you to join us for this session in our Lunch & Learn Series on 15 December at 12.30pm where we will share practical insights on tax considerations relevant to the current operating environment.