27 March 2023 Webcast Invite: DEMPE and intangibles: Controlling transfer pricing risk Managing disputes around the pricing of intangibles and what this could mean for businesses operating in Europe.
27 March 2023 Video: Pillar Two Challenges – Data Gaps, Technology Needs, and Modelling International Tax Team video series – Overview of the implementation challenges that the OECD’s Pillar Two presents beyond the tax technical (part 3).
23 March 2023 Podcast: US Green Book ’24: Tax Policy in a Divided Washington Podcast on the Biden Administration tax policy priorities in its FY24 Green Book and why these tax proposals warrant review.
14 March 2023 Webcast Invite: EU Tax Perspectives The European Union’s (EU) institutions have been very busy in the past few months, discussing EU implementation of international initiatives
6 March 2023 Webcast Playback: Pillar One: Where Next? 2023 is the year of implementation for the OECD’s Pillar Two global minimum tax rules. But agreement has yet to be reached on Pillar One – the other half of the OECD’s BEPS 2.0 package.
27 February 2023 Webcast Playbacks on the impact of Pillar Two on US Multinational Groups Webcast on the new guidance presented by professionals from the KPMG Washington National Tax practice.
27 February 2023 Webcast Playback: Future of Tax & Legal Series – EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism – Preparing for the new regulation The implementation of the European Union’s (EU) Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) on 1 October 2023 is expected to reshape global trade at large.
23 February 2023 Webcast Playback: ESG and Tax – transparency, governance and the decarbonisation journey KPMG’s fourth “Reimagining Tax” webinar, to be held on 15 February, explores new measures and shares insights on what groups should be considering in the context of tax in ESG.
22 February 2023 Webcast Playback: Future of Tax & Legal Webcast Series – Preparing for Pillar 2: Administrative guidance on the implementation of the GloBE rules Preparing for Pillar Two.