27 February 2023 Webcast Playback: Future of Tax & Legal Series – EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism – Preparing for the new regulation The implementation of the European Union’s (EU) Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) on 1 October 2023 is expected to reshape global trade at large.
23 February 2023 Webcast Playback: ESG and Tax – transparency, governance and the decarbonisation journey KPMG’s fourth “Reimagining Tax” webinar, to be held on 15 February, explores new measures and shares insights on what groups should be considering in the context of tax in ESG.
22 February 2023 Webcast Playback: Future of Tax & Legal Webcast Series – Preparing for Pillar 2: Administrative guidance on the implementation of the GloBE rules Preparing for Pillar Two.
21 February 2023 Video: Pillar Two Implementation: Progress Around the World Overview of the impact of the OECD’s Pillar Two initiative on U.S. multinational groups.
20 February 2023 Webcast Invite: Pillar One: Where Next? KPMG LLP is pleased to invite you to a one-hour webcast on where Pillar One may go next.
20 February 2023 Webcast Invite: New Pillar Two Guidance, New Considerations for U.S. Multinationals KPMG LLP is pleased to invite you to a 90-minute webcast on the new guidance, presented by professionals from the KPMG Washington National Tax practice.
16 February 2023 Video: Share remuneration reporting deadline Employers, the deadline of 31 March for filing 2022 share award returns is fast approaching.
13 February 2023 Webcast Playback: Pillar Two Advances: Implications for U.S. Multinational Groups The status of Pillar Two implementation and the potential impact on U.S. multinational groups.
13 February 2023 Podcast: Doubling down on country-by-country reporting: The EU and Pillar Two This podcast presented by KPMG in the United States discusses public country-by-country reporting developments that have multinationals scrambling.