21 October 2020 Major issues in Transfer Pricing What were the transfer pricing developments in 2020?
21 August 2020 Transfer Pricing | Irish Revenue Update | August 2020 Irish Revenue has released an updated draft of the Irish transfer pricing guidance to practitioners and is seeking feedback.
19 February 2020 OECD’s Transfer Pricing Guidelines regarding financial transactions The OECD published a new chapter in the OECD’s Transfer Pricing Guidelines regarding financial transactions. This will incorporate effective immediately into the 2017 version of the OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines
12 December 2019 KPMG submission for guidance on transfer pricing KPMG has made a submission to Revenue setting out matters for consideration in guidance on Ireland's transfer pricing regime.
12 December 2019 KPMG submission for guidance on EU Mandatory Disclosures Reporting KPMG has made a submission to Revenue setting out matters for consideration in guidance on the EU Mandatory Disclosures Reporting Regime.
20 November 2019 Country-by-country reporting: OECD updates guidance Updated OECD guidance offers new clarifications and administrative guidelines.
16 October 2019 Managing transfer pricing: end to end Focus on the process from start to finish brings better outcomes.
1 October 2019 Transfer Pricing Update The Minister for Finance confirmed that it is not intended that transfer pricing rules will be extended to SMEs in 2020.
20 September 2019 EU: Status update on advance pricing arrangements Tax professionals have observed an increase in transfer pricing-related controversies and a related increase of advance pricing arrangement (APA) applications in various European countries.