16 January 2017
UK tax regime for non-doms – big changes are fast approaching
With only four months to go until April 2017 when the new UK taxation regime for non-UK domiciled individuals (‘non-doms’) takes effect, the draft legislation released in the UK Finance Bill 2017 on 5 December offers some welcome clarification of the new rules.
13 January 2017
I am a UK non-dom, could I be treated as deemed UK domiciled for tax purposes in the UK?
Non-UK domiciled individuals who are long-term UK residents will become deemed UK domiciled for all UK taxes, aligning the income tax and capital gains tax treatment with the current deemed domicile rules for inheritance tax.
13 January 2017
Taxation of non-UK trusts under the new UK deemed domicile regime
The UK Government has settled on a new regime that will give a “protected” status to offshore trusts made before and not added to after, an individual becomes deemed domiciled, with settlors being charged to UK income tax and capital gains tax on benefits and capital payments received.