26 October 2021 UK: HMRC ‘one to many’ letters target employment income discrepancies HMRC are targeting discrepancies between individuals’ 2019/20 self-assessment tax returns and employers’ year-end submissions.
12 October 2021 Development of the UK Asset Holding Company regime – an update Update on the development of the proposed UK Asset Holding Company regime following working group discussions with HM Treasury and HMRC.
12 October 2021 UK Autumn Budget: What do we expect to see? KPMG UK’s predictions for the Chancellor’s Budget due to take place on 27 October 2021.
4 October 2021 UK large businesses: Notification requirement for uncertain tax treatments The notification of uncertain tax treatments regime moves one step closer with the recent publication of draft legislation and guidance.
27 September 2021 UK: How will the rules around changing tax rates and loss relief impact you? How you can quickly get a handle on your future tax costs.
14 September 2021 UK: The new Health and Social Care Levy – What employers need to know The UK Government has announced its proposal to introduce a new Health and Social Care Levy (“HSC Levy”) to help fund health and social care for the elderly.
13 September 2021 KPMG NI CEO Outlook 2021 The KPMG NI CEO Outlook provides an in-depth 3-year outlook on enterprise and economic growth from thousands of executives around the world including from Northern Ireland.
30 August 2021 Notification of uncertain tax treatments draft guidance published HMRC guidance on uncertain tax treatment notification for large businesses gives further details, including notification contents.