7 March 2022 UK: Consultation on Online Sales Tax released HMT has opened a consultation on whether the UK should implement an Online Sales Tax but no decision on this has yet been made.
7 March 2022 UK: Notification of uncertain tax treatments – what’s the position with PAYE? What do large businesses need to know as they consider the notification requirement for uncertain income tax treatments in payroll?
28 February 2022 UK: Capital allowances for windfarm design and survey costs The FTT considered the eligibility of various costs associated with developing windfarms for capital allowances purposes.
28 February 2022 UK: House of Lords reports on enquiry into private sector Off-Payroll Working reform What were the House of Lords’ key conclusions and recommendations?
28 February 2022 UK: Decentralised Finance – HMRC’s new guidance on lending and staking DeFi-nitely maybe, or just too complicated? HMRC’s new DeFi guidance demonstrates the growing pains industry and tax advisors face.
7 February 2022 UK Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme: HMRC nudge campaign on including grants in tax returns HMRC are checking that companies have included CJRS grants in their taxable income – here’s what employers need to do.
7 February 2022 UK Finance Bill 2022: Final amendments now passed, including a new tax on energy retailers Finance Bill 2022 has completed its passage through the House of Commons and is ‘substantively enacted’.
24 January 2022 UK: Time to make the switch to electric vehicles? For employers who provide their employees with vehicles they can use privately, fleet electrification is one way to demonstrate their company’s environmental, social and governance (ESG) commitment.