13 December 2023
E-News from the EU Tax Centre: Issue 187
KPMG’s EU Tax Centre compiles a regular update of EU and international tax developments that can have both a domestic and a cross-border impact, with the aim of helping you keep track of and understand these developments and how they can impact your business.
23 November 2023
Webcast Invite: Future of Tax & Legal Series – EU tax perspectives
The December edition of the “EU tax perspectives” webcast will look back on some of the highlights of the year and discuss the state of play of the various initiatives that are currently being implemented or considered by the EU Member States.
20 November 2023
Webcast Playback: Future of Tax & Legal Series – Where are we on BEPS 2.0 – an update
This webinar provides an update on the recent OECD releases on Pillar 1 Amounts A & B, the Subject to Tax Rule, guidance on the GloBE rules and a status report on where various jurisdictions are on Pillar 2.