30 September 2014
EU Competition Commission & current tax issues – the KPMG Ireland view
There has been a lot of international media coverage in recent days on the expected release by the EU Competition Commission of details of a State aid investigation against Ireland in relation to an advance transfer pricing opinion given by Ireland to Apple.
16 September 2014
The Common Reporting Standard
The OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) Common Reporting Standard (CRS) is a big step towards a globally coordinated approach to the disclosure of income earned by individuals and organisations. As a measure to counter tax evasion, it builds upon other information sharing l
11 June 2014
EU Competition Commission announces a State Aid investigation into a taxpayer transfer pricing opinion given by Ireland
On 11 June 2014 the European Competition Commission announced it was opening a State Aid investigation in relation to an advance transfer pricing opinion given by Ireland to Apple.