31 December 2015
Tax transparency and BEPS: Ireland introduces Country-by-Country Reporting legislation
The obligation to report country-by-country tax information to all jurisdictions is here for Irish multinational groups. Alan Bromell reviews the provisions and concludes that the impact will be significant, with implications for tax compliance and reporting functions, transfer pricing policies, tax
14 December 2015
European Union proposals for a Consolidated Common Corporate Tax Base (‘CCCTB’)
The European Commission has announced proposals to review adoption of a mandatory common corporate tax base with the ambition to move over time to a consolidated common corporate tax base. KPMG has considered the CCCTB proposals and what they might mean for Ireland and Irish based business.
15 September 2015
BEPS insights – Business with High Value Intangible Assets
Where groups have offshore holding structures for intangible assets, they will need to consider existing pricing under such structures and perhaps consider whether their preference will be to bring the intangible assets into a jurisdiction with greater economic substance. Ireland is well placed to b