8 April 2016
Comparison of EU and OECD anti-BEPS proposals
Sharon Burke takes stock of the fast changing developments to international taxation arising from the European Union’s reaction to the recommendations for international tax reform that emerged in the October 2015 reports from the Project on Base Erosion and profit Shifting (BEPS) by the Organisati
16 March 2016
Obligations for Irish resident subsidiaries in certain multinational groups
Ireland has introduced Country-by-Country (CbyC) reporting legislation in respect of accounting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2016, for multinational groups with consolidated turnover exceeding €750million.
31 December 2015
Tax transparency and BEPS: Ireland introduces Country-by-Country Reporting legislation
The obligation to report country-by-country tax information to all jurisdictions is here for Irish multinational groups. Alan Bromell reviews the provisions and concludes that the impact will be significant, with implications for tax compliance and reporting functions, transfer pricing policies, tax