4 November 2020 NI: Job Retention Scheme extended to December 2020 Further guidance on the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme.
4 November 2020 NI: The enhanced Job Support Scheme (JSS) HMRC issue guidance on the enhanced Coronavirus Job Support Scheme (JSS).
2 November 2020 Employer Concerns of the Moment October 2020 This month we look at changes to the National Minimum Wage, the State Pension Age and provide an update on Protected Disclosures (Whistleblowing) legislation.
30 October 2020 COVID-19: Work from anywhere Irish Revenue updates tax relief for Domestic Remote Working.
27 October 2020 United Kingdom – HMRC Publishes Guidance on COVID-19 and U.K. Taxation HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) has published further guidance on the taxation of unplanned U.K. work-days where an individual was ‘stuck’ in the U.K. and unable to leave due to COVID-19 travel restrictions.
13 October 2020 People and change in the new reality What should organisations now consider in terms of people and change?
9 October 2020 Real time PAYE reporting: Where are we now? (Part One) Real time reporting for PAYE (RTR) was introduced on 1 January 2019 with the aim of making the payroll reporting process more efficient and reduce the administrative burden on employers.
7 October 2020 Employer Concerns of the Moment (September 2020) This month we consider the recent changes to parental leave entitlements and discuss the Government’s extension of immigration permissions in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.