30 March 2022 Webinar Playback: Alternative Investments – key developments impacting tax structuring Key developments impacting tax structuring.
23 March 2022 ECOFIN Council fails to reach agreement on a revised proposal for an EU Minimum Tax Directive On 15 March 2022, the Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN) failed to reach political agreement on the revised proposal for an EU Minimum Tax Directive (compromise text).
15 March 2022 International developments on the 15% global minimum effective tax rate Significant steps have taken place internationally in the development of the Pillar Two global minimum effective tax as part of the BEPS 2.0 process.
10 March 2022 10 points on how leaders can prepare for upcoming GloBE rules Considerations for what multinationals can do in preparation for the OECD’s upcoming commentary release on GloBE rules.
8 March 2022 KPMG responds to European Commission public consultation on minimum tax directive proposal On 7 March, 2022, KPMG member firms in the EU submitted a response to the European Commission’s (EC’s) public consultation on the proposed EU Directive on a minimum level of taxation.
7 March 2022 Webcast Invite: EU Financial Services Tax perspectives We take a closer look at some of the latest proposals impacting financial services that have risen to the top of the EU tax agenda.
7 March 2022 KPMG report: Comments on OECD’s draft rules for tax base determinations under Pillar One Amount A KPMG tax professionals submitted a memo concerning the draft rules for tax base determinations under Amount A of Pillar One.
1 March 2022 KPMG report: Top concerns for tax leaders on the path forward for BEPS 2.0 Adapted from a report prepared by KPMG member firm in Australia, examining issues related to BEPS 2.0 along with practical steps to address concerns.
21 February 2022 KPMG report: Initial impressions of draft rules for tax base determinations under Pillar One Amount A Part of the ongoing work on BEPS in implementing the two-pillar solution to address the tax challenges arising from the digitalisation of the economy.