30 August 2016 Companies Act 2014 – An Overview The Act consolidates and reforms existing Irish company law. It aims to make it easier and more efficient for a company to do business in Ireland.
30 August 2016 New Directors’ Compliance Statement – is your company ready? Companies Act 2014 imposed a new requirement on directors to include a Directors’ Compliance Statement in the annual directors’ report
29 August 2016 Will ‘Brexit’ strengthen Ireland’s position as an immigration hub? Employers will have to consider how best to ensure their European and global executives can move freely within Europe including between Britain and Ireland.
29 August 2016 Irish Immigration Law Read about the Permission to Travel, Work and Reside in Ireland.
29 August 2016 Electronic Filing Agent Companies Registration Office filing fees are reduced or eliminated in their entirety.
29 August 2016 Governance – Board Support We can assist you meet your legal obligations to minute and record all proceedings of director meetings by attending those meetings as reporting secretary.
29 August 2016 Legal entity reduction Group structures, particularly those which have been subject to multiple acquisitions, are frequently unnecessarily complex.
8 April 2016 Directors compliance statements Laura Heuston reviews the Companies Act 2014 (‘the Act’) requirement for directors of certain Irish companies to include a Directors’ Compliance Statement (DCS) in the Directors’ Report in the annual financial statements.